Well well....after playing £0.05/0.10 for a month then £0.15/0.25 this month im actually still in profit and ive played a tonn of hands which i cnt belive, so rare a profit is these days but which im very pleased with. I recently started playing $0.50/1 and testing $1/2 but i knw im properly rolled for it so wont be makin it my home just yet!! We all know this year has been down for me, majorly, but on we go for next year where discipline and bankroll management are my top targets. I aint even gonna set a goal to reach like i did this year for $100k lol! Oh ok ill set $10k for next year which i would be happy with....please please please i prey 2009 be it my year and there onwards.
One joke story while playing today at $1/2 was when some guy mentioned he was gettin TAXED......from poker!! I cudnt quite belive it TAXED from poker surely not lol. Quickly i figured he meant rake but just took the piss outa him, he really was unaware of anything and this was a player playing $1/2 jesus, wehre he goes tax is set at 5% lololol. WOT A DUM FK.
I dont quite know where to play when W-Hill moves to ipoker, dont relly like it there, but never really gave it a proper go, and what about rakeback and fishes??? Or do i go to Cake or Pokerstars or Fulltilt, ahhh questions questions.
Does people still read this shit ???
1 comment:
im still reading lol!
keep at it bro, that 10k will be no probs
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