Played the Daily $16k on betfair which ive played once or twice before which is a $109 buyin i came 4th!!happy days.! I think i played so well and should of gone and won it, ahh well i think ill play it more often. I never hardly played a hand for the 1st hour as i wasnt getting jack shit, then i started stealing and re-stealing which seemed to work as i got respect. Also i tried isolating the original raiser quite a lot which i never used to do and used to jus flat call there raise with hands like 44 lol. I cant fully rememba the hand i went out on but basically i had AQs, low stack raises to 8k, chip leader calls, and i raise to 30k....bad move i knw i should of pushed cos it gave the chip leader good odds i had....fuk fuk fuk lol. flop came somthing like 789 and i had fk all jus ace high and i called the all-in cos i was pretty much committed, he had and 8 and that sent me packing.
Apart from that cash games has been jus evens stevens, think im $55 up from last post frm them just playing 1/2.
hey m8, i added u. u wanna add me
Nice one Venom. Worked out how to add links so have added you in mate.
hey mate, just letting u know i have added your fine blog to my list. Feel free to do the same.
- behh04
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