Went to the usual rileys on 18th, came 4th for £30. Was not at all happy tho, i was in the small blind and 2nd in chips with about 11k, big blind chip leader with we'l say about 30k. Everyone else folds so back to me and i raise 3x blind with AA, he re-raises me so i say ok i re-raise him back....and yes he puts me all-in. Guess what he turns over....K9o, i mean cmon k9o played in that way, when ive been playing solid and that kind or raising going on preflop!!!!!!! JUST A JOKE!!! So anyway i had a bad feeling when the 1st card on flop was a K, yep then 2nd card 9 to rub it in. No Ace followed and i was steaming. I finished my fosters and came home on tilt and played online which so wasnt a good idea, i ended up losing $1.3k. Bugger!!.......
I mean dont get me wrong ive lost with Aces loads of times, its just i gave him respect and does me with K9o. Muppet. Just like in the above pic!!!.......
Hey, nice blog, keep it up. I've linked you up on my blog as requested.
Hey Venom
Nice blog. Nice going with the profit...
Are you normally playing with minimum deposit in the tables, or it that generally (in your opinion) a good idea...
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