Yes yes i no a long time posting.....tbh i just forgot about this bloggin thingy! January was a total nil on the poker front, as i was busy sorting out my wedding plans (which i dnt think i mentioned). Honeymoon was finally decided and booked....cmon guess where...yes uve guess it VEGAS!, then new york then barbados. And vegas wasnt even my idea was hers! honest...as shes heard so much about it, well i would never say no would i lol, anyway thats in october so a way off from now but time should fly by. Neways......
Thats right i played over 10k hands for feb and really put a quite some effort into my play, majority being on betfair playing $0.50/1. I done quite well to start then went on a little downward trend, so unlike normal instead of stayin where i was, i actually moved down to 0.25/0.50$ and told myself i would stay there for the rest of the month. Its easy when u put time and effort in and actually play a vast number of hands, i realised before i had so many leaks in my cash game play which mainly came cos i was prone to tilting when gettin outdrawn or summin silly. I still play a bit reckless at times but ive started to just shut my machine down and lessen the tilt lmao!!
Towards the end of the month i started playing on PKR and laddies and see what kind of BR i can spin up there still playing the low stakes of course. PKR is so slow lol! very hard to multi table but its a tiny bit more enjoyable plus thers more donks there and at laddies than other sites ive found.......we shall see what happens this month.......can i make it 2 months in a row jesus that would be an accomplishment which i havnt seen for agessssss!! GL me.