Sunday, 23 March 2008

Back again....

Landed yesterday from luton airport to find it bludy freezin and a temperature of 1 degree! FFS! Was around 25 degrees in marbella. Had a brilliant time out there, went to a few bars got a tan, and just generally relaxed. Done alot of thinking about life really while i was chillin on the sun lounger lol. A new job is for a starters, build some of that motivation which has been lacking recently, also on the poker front really concentrate on it and take it seriously enough where each decision is thought through. Will post when ive played my next session, which will definitely be a profitable one, i aint gona take no shit no more and im gona stop blaming variance and bad beats etc etc. I'm losing far too much when on these downswings than i should be which keep piling on top of each other......anyway watch next post.


Sunday, 9 March 2008

Off to SPAIN!

I know i hardly post lately but ive hardly been playing and if i have its been low levels most of the time, btw which i still cnt fukin win to save my life...same ole bullshit which i wont bore you lot with the details. Basically going on holiday with the bird to dads apartment in marbella. Gonna take this time to relax and it will probably be the only full week i will not be touching poker lol! The obvious aim is come back with a clean head and buss up the tables, and concentrate fully at all times....i no i no eaasier said than done. Another aim this year is to go vegas in october time to vegas with some work mates which would be kool.......GLGLGLGL.